
Here’s what a trendy French bouquet looks like at the moment.

Stereotypes are bad, but some are actually good. Just take the French approach to style for instance. Be it makeup, clothes and hair, there is always that nonchalant and effortless touch. And it seems that when it comes to creating a French bouquet (yes, it’s a legit term), things are no different.

For starters, most French floral arrangements are hand-tied with a simple ribbon or raffia, have a rustic charm about them, and are neither too fussy nor stuffy. One person who has been making these flowers her M.O. is our Female collective member and Parisian transplant Aude Giraud who runs Ask A French Flowers (just peruse through her Instagram if you need inspiration). So who better to ask for an insider information of the most fashionable French summer blooms now (see above) to inject a little South of France charm into the home?

Here, Giraud lists some of the trendiest blooms to decorate with at the moment and explains why you need to know them. And if you want to be even more of a pro and learn how to create the most photogenic flatlays with your bouquets and food, then join her for a styling workshop billed as the “Instagram Worthy Floral Workshop with Ask A French” at Shop Wonderland on Sept 9.

The trendiest French flowers to know now according to Ask A French


Rose: “It’s the most popular flower in France at the moment. In fact, the French voted ‘la rose’ as their favourite flower in 2016. That confirms that they have classic and romantic tastes. My favourite colour for this flower is soft pink, with hints of green at the edges. Sweet and tender.”

Hydrangea: “Also known as ‘l’hortensia’ — it’s the summer flower. It’s blooming everywhere in Brittany right now, in colours like blue, pink, green, white. It’s really one of the most glamorous flowers to me with their round and generous shape. Some dry very well if you’re lucky.”

Iris: “Old is gold. ‘L’iris’, the symbol of the French monarchy is making a big comeback in bouquets. The petals’ triangular shapes make it a very unique flower”.

Wheat: “The trend now is to go green and ‘le blé’ is a much-loved grass by Parisians. It’s not only because it is used to make baguettes; t also has that rustic je ne sais quoi that transports you directly back to those hot summer days. Can you picture yourself in the French countryside?”

Lavender: “Us French call it ‘la lavande’. After all, what could be more Instagrammable and fashionable in the summer than taking a picture in a lavender field in Provence? And that smell: slow life here we come.”

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